Tongue Tie
Details of the condition
- Tongue tie refers to a band of tissue that connects the under surface of the tongue to the floor of mouth and lower jaw
- Tongue tie may reduce mobility of the tongue tip and have an impact on feeding in infants, and articulation in older children.
- It is quite common to have a mild degree of tongue tie that does not require any specific treatment
- If the tongue tie is more severe, with symptoms associated, a surgical treatment may be required.
- Dr Smith generally performs this procedure under a general anaesthetic (the child is asleep).
- The band of tissue is divided with a combination of sharp instruments and bipolar cautery, and the resulting wound is closed with fine dissolving stitches.
- There is not much pain associated in most cases.
- Tongue tie division is often performed at the time of other ENT procedures such as Grommets, Adenoidectomy, Tonsillectomy or Adenotonsillectomy.